Somniphobia is the extreme fear of sleep. Somniphobia is a type of specific phobia. People with Somniphobia may worry or are obsessed throughout the day about how they can avoid sleep. Thus , do you agree that Somniphobia can adversely affect our health? 


     First, I agree that Somniphobia can adversely affect our health because sleep deprivation might cause heart attack to a person  who is having trouble sleeping. According to study it is stated that someone who stays awake for too long can result in increased blood pressure that will result in a sudden cardiac infarction. To avoid this situation from occurring suddenly, it is advised to take Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that involves talking with the rapist about the fear. Your therapist teaches you to challenge distressing thoughts to lower your anxiety symptoms. 

     Furthermore, Somniphobia can also cause digestive disorders. It can affect 2 hormones in our body. Which is Leptin and Ghrelin that control our feeling of hunger and fullness. If we didn’t have enough sleeps, Gherelin hormone will raises and make our appetite also increase. Due to that fact, we will tend to take a late night snack. To overcome this we need to eat a lot of nutritious foods and avoid unhealthy foods. 

     In general, one of the factors of loss of concentration is due to irregular sleep. It can contribute to big problems such as negligence. As an example, when a driver drives in a drowsy state, it can result in a car accident and can be life -threatening. To prevent this from happening, this kind of patient needs to seek help from the psychological therapist to gradually get used to the fear.

     To summarize, Somniphobia is one of the specific phobias that not all people are aware of its existence. I hope we can spread awareness of this phobias from our writing. A. J. Reb Materi once said that "so many spend their health, gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health". Last but not least, never underestimate the importance of sleep.

(343 words)

Word Of The Day:

1. Adversely -   in a way that prevents success or development; harmfully or unfavourably.

2. Secara buruk - menjadikan buruk; memburuk-burukkan.



          1. Thus , do you agree that Somniphobia can adversely affect our health? 

        2. I agree that Somniphobia can adversely affect our health because sleep deprivation might cause               heart attack to a person  who is having trouble sleeping.
