South Korea is a country known for their entertainment. Korea has its own beauty standards. Now, Korean beauty standards have become a trend for people in the world. Do you agree that Korean beauty standards have an effect on society nowdays?

I do agree that Korean beauty standards affect society nowadays.  It  encourages a youthful appearance by emphasizing a thin physique in order to re-create that youthful appearance. But there's a dark side of this matter, it does also encourage a lot of Korean celebrities to do extreme diets which can affect their own health. There are also some K-Idols and actors like IU's and Seo In Guk who confess to having been  diagnosed  with Bullimia Nervosa which is an eating disorder to just fit in what their fans wanted their physical features to be.

The beauty industry started targeting children such as expanding products that are not harmful to children . This is because, we can see children nowadays wear makeup before go to school and it become norms among children. There are also a few children who do makeup tutorials and upload them to social media. What we can see here is, they are carried away with the culture in South Korea.

With a beautiful face, job opportunities become higher, as well as in finding a life partner. Therefore, some people think that education is not so important compared to personal beauty. For them, beauty is the guarantee of a happy life in Korea. Therefore they act to do plastic surgery. In Korea, this country has beauty standards that must be followed by Korean citizens. This is because, for them, a small face, pointed chin, pointed nose, short forehead and big eyes are the definition of a perfect beautiful face.

It can be concluded that the popularity of entertainment in South Korea has made the world community also follow the trends found in South Korea, especially their beauty standards. This becomes worse until it affects the society because it is too attached to look beautiful. Therefore, we should always appreciate ourselves as we are because to find the beauty within, look for the beauty in other.

Word Of The Day:

1. Emphasizing - Give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing.

2. Memberi penekanan - Proses, kaedah, tindakan menekan atau menekankan.


1. It  encourages a youthful appearance by emphasizing a thin physique in order to re-create that youthful appearance.
