Earth is a planet that has become a habitat that all people live in. In Quran verse 30:41 “corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done.” The question is, how to protect the earth from any pollution and weather changes? 
   First, we can start by planting a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen to all living things. They help save energy, clean the air and help combat climate change. Fresh and clean areas are usually filled with green plants. Clean air is a blessing that is very valuable to human life and creatures in this world. So it is important to plant green plants because it not only provides a cool and comfortable environment, but also serves to stabilize the temperature of the environment. 
   Secondly, cycling is one method of transportation that can help reduce pollution and protect the environment. It does not cause pollution like cars that produce millions of tons of toxic fumes and are the main cause of air pollution in Malaysia. Thus, cycling helps maintain cleaner air for breathing, and reduces noise pollution. So, cycling can save energy and space, and protect one from the harmful effects of automobile use on health. 
   Finally, the way to protect the earth is to reduce the use of plastic. Plastic is something that is very difficult to eliminate and takes a long time to decompose. If we reduce the use of plastic, it will be able to preserve the ecosystem of marine life and be able to preserve the environment to be used as a landfill because plastic waste is the second largest contributor to landfills. 
   In conclusion, there are several ways to take care of the earth. Among them are planting trees, reducing the use of vehicles and reducing the use of plastic bags. This is because, the concern of the community will be able to help save the world. Scott Peters, once said “earth should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place”. Therefore, taking care of the well-being of the earth is our responsibility.

(357 Words)

Word Of The Day:

1. Fumes - An amount of gas or vapour that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale

2. Wasap - Wap yang terbebas daripada cecair mudah meruap yang kelihatan
     seperti asap, biasanya beracun dan kuat baunya. 


1. Clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by cars.
